Importance of Sleep in Controlling
I am going
to talk about one of the commonest causes
of diabetes. we'll talk about the importance of sleep in controlling diabetes you may wonder what sleep got to do with diabetes sleep only affects the blood pressure in it that we all know what is not known is that sleep is very important if you want to keep your sugar under control today it's become a separate science.
It is called the science of chronobiology we
don't call it sleep we call it chronobiology is how many hours should somebody
We did the
study in 21 countries with about 150 000 people
and the
answer was very clear if you sleep between six to eight hours a day you
remained healthy your diabetes was well-controlled blood pressure was well
controlled you don't get heart attacks people lived longer.
Those who
slept less than six hours let's say five hours four hours three hours their
mortality rates went up which means they tended to die because they were not
getting enough sleep the body is not resting their blood pressure goes up sugar
goes up heart starts failing and lots of problems come you may say what is this
thing about eight hours what if we sleep nine ten hours, for a child, it's okay
to sleep for nine ten or even eleven hours but studies have shown including our
own that if you sleep more than eight hours. If you need more than eight hours
of sleep probably you're having some disease.
Which you
have missed maybe your sugar is not under control maybe your thyroid is playing
up something is happening otherwise why should an adult consistently need more
than eight hours of sleep? We are talking about an average so between six to
eight hours we found the best sleeping longer than that and shorter than that
both are not very good.
What about
the time when you go to sleep there are people who say I want to watch tv I
want to watch videos I have my late night hours is what I love so I'll go to
bed at 2 o'clock and then I'll get up at 8 o'clock so I'll get my six-hour
sleep so you said six hours I should sleep I'm sleeping for six hours no your
chronobiology has been changed.
Why did nature produce day and night during the daytime we are meant to be active and at night we are meant to rest and to have sleep and that's why the day-night cycle is not only in human beings but also in animals and plants everywhere. The whole of nature depends on It chronobiology, so what did we find in our research what we found was that people who went to bed between 10 pm and midnight did the best if they started going to bed earlier also say nine o'clock, eight o'clock, seven o'clock, six o'clock every day something is wrong with them again they have some disease if at 6 o'clock 7 o'clock had to go to bed no adult does that anywhere in the world and so there's something wrong please go for a checkup and find out what is happening to you after twelve or one o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, four o'clock when people go to bed the sugars are never under control and they get up in the night often or they are disturbed most often they have some tension or some mental stress or worry or something which is disturbing them and that prevents them from sleeping and their diabetes gets out of control.
If you have
diabetes give the most important to your sleep see that you get between 6 to 8
hours of Sleep to get into bed between 10 to 12 and make that a routine because
if you do that your chronobiology sets in such a way you may say all this
doctor, but I don't get sleep so what do I do you’re telling me 10 o'clock get
into bed I go there and then I try to sleep and after 2 o'clock I’m not
sleeping, first of all, you should find out whether there is something wrong
with you any particular problem discuss it with your doctor and I am sure we
can find a solution. but I would like to give you five tips on what I called as
sleep hygiene follow these five tips on sleep hygiene will improve the quality
and quantity of your sleep so what are these five tips that I want to tell you.
Number one try to get into bed at the same time every day now one day if you get into bed at nine o'clock and the next day at noon and the third day at 1 am your body will be wondering 4th day what, what time you're going to sleep whereas like clockwork 10 or 10. 30 is your sleep time your brain is already expecting it and it will be thinking ah 10. 30 this person is going to sleep now so that's the first sleep hygiene.
Second sleep
hygiene is don't get into bed at least two hours after your dinner. some people
what they do they have their dinner at 10 o'clock and then try to get into bed
by 10 15. don't do that the digestion has not started all the blood has now
gone into the stomach and at that time you're trying to produce sleep also so
this is not good. so have an early dinner most people what they do they eat
after 9. 30 or 10 or 10. 30 or 11. Try
to have your dinner by 7. 30, 8, or 8 .30. this will help to keep your sugar
also under control it will also give you a good sleep.
Number three
your brain must think that your bedroom is a place meant for sleep so don't
have loud music going on in your bedroom very bright lights these things tend
to distract the brain and the brain must think that this is a quiet place where
this person has come to sleep.
So that's also very important number four is watching television shows which are very violent something which is going to disturb you you know if you watch that at night that will keep on going in your brain and how will you sleep you'll only be thinking about that. Try not to watch tv for at least an hour or an hour and a half before your bedtime and if you watch something funny something very light which doesn't disturb you or doesn't make you anxious.
That is very important and the fifth and the
most important is the use of cell phones, today to stay for five minutes
without a cell phone is very difficult and that is why new terms have come up
like detox and digital detox these are not their all unheard of say five years
ago today everybody is talking about that the addiction is so strong just
before they go to bed screen time they're always watching something and then
this reflectance it's giving you a lot of radiation is very bad for the brain
and that's one of the most important reasons why people don't sleep.
So remember
these five tips for sleep hygiene which I told you about and both the quality
and the quantity of your sleep will improve for people with diabetes it will be
a major step forward to get your sugars under good control now how does this
relate to sugar going up?
When you
start sleeping irregularly or not sleeping enough changes occur because the
brain itself the hypothalamus there are a number of signals going down and all
your hormones go completely out of control most of the hormones in the body
except insulin increase the sugar so you have adrenaline noradrenaline also
called as epinephrine and norepinephrine your cortisol your growth hormone all
these are hormones.
Which tends
to increase the sugar is only one
hormone which
the sugar and that is insulin. So all these hormones are actually opposing
insulin not allowing the insulin to work so if they increase the insulin is
pushed out and the insulin production also goes down the way it is secreted is
altered and its action is also impaired and that is why sugar levels start
going up this happens when you have stress also, so remember that along with
your diet and along with your exercise add to your list. that I Will sleep on
time and I will get enough sleep and you will find that your sugars come down
very easily.
We will
extensively talk about how lifestyle plays a very important role not only in
controlling your diabetes but also in preventing diabetes and also in a
reversal of your diabetes so stay tuned to this site
As to how to keep your diabetes under control what are the various lifestyle factors which affect diabetes how in your workplace you can look after your diabetes?