High Blood Pressure and Obesity in Diabetes
It is common for people with high blood pressure and abnormal lipid levels to also have type 2 diabetes. How having all of these conditions can affect your health and what you can do to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. If you have high blood pressure it means the force of the blood pushing on the walls of your blood vessels is too high, your heart has to work harder when your blood pressure is high.
Some people with high blood pressure develop type 2 diabetes. If you have abnormal levels of lipids in your blood it may mean you have too much LDL cholesterol also known as bad cholesterol or it may mean that you don't have enough HDL cholesterol also known as good cholesterol or your triglyceride level also known as the fat in the blood may be too high, you may have more than one of these lipid abnormalities at the same time people with abnormal lipid levels have a higher rate of type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is a condition where your blood glucose or blood sugar is elevated over time high blood sugar can damage the blood vessels of your heart and other organs leading to other health problems, such as having high blood pressure and abnormal.
lipid levels and type 2 diabetes can affect you in many ways.
You will have a higher risk for other serious health problems such as coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, and even death.
you may need help taking care of yourself you may also need to take more medications living with these conditions may cause depression the good news is that there are things you can do to help lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes,
for example.
1-You may need to make changes to your lifestyle.
2-If you smoke get the help you need to quit.
3-Maintain or get to a healthy weight.
4-Follow a healthy eating plan including low-fat and low-sodium foods.
5-Work with your health care provider to determine the right amount of physical activity for you, and make sure you work with your health care provider to control your blood pressure and lipid levels.
6-This includes taking medications as prescribed by your health care provider following the treatment plan you and your health care provider discussed will help you feel better and reduce your risk of getting type 2 diabetes.
Can diabetes cause sudden death?
can diabetes cause sudden death, sudden death, and hypoglycemia there is considerable evidence implicating hypoglycemia as a cause of sudden death in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Hypoglycemia has been recognized as a potential cause of death particularly due to cerebral damage ever since the introduction of insulin
High Blood Pressure Causes Heart Attacks More Than Diabetes!
Reducing blood pressure and cholesterol is more beneficial in preventing heart disease than controlling your blood sugar, High blood sugar can cause a lot of other issues such as neuropathy, and kidney disease. eye disease Etc, but other risk factors like for cardiovascular disease should also be taken into consideration greatly. when you don't you're accepting the defeat of heart disease so simply put just because your blood sugar is normal does not mean you will not die from a heart attack at an early age, If you did not control your blood pressure better or your cholesterol better.
The results of that controlling three risk factors were amazing all three risk variables were satisfied by only 13 percent of people which is kind of a shame but those people who had optimal control of the glucose and blood pressure and cholesterol had two and a half times reduced the rate of heart attack and stroke and hospitalization from these problems.
Adults with diabetes are two to four times more likely than people without diabetes to develop cardiovascular disease and most people with diabetes die from a heart attack or stroke.
Today it was not clear which of these risk factors were most beneficial.
What the blood pressure is in the body?
Arteries blood pressure is the force exerted by the circulating blood against the arterial walls when we call it hypertension or elevated blood pressure.
Blood pressure is two digits, the first is what we call the systolic, which represents the blood vessel pressure when the heart contracts. The second number is diastolic which represents the pressure in your arteries between the beats maintaining a blood pressure reading of less than 130 over 80-millimeter mercury and an LDL cholesterol of less than 100 milligrams per deciliter and an Avon c less than seven and if possible less than 6.5 is recommended for optimal management. Here's the truth the percent of adults age 20 or over with high blood pressure with or without taking medication is up to 50.
Every 20-millimeter mercury increase in your blood pressure doubles the risk of your stroke and heart attack every 20 increase in your systolic and every 10 increase in your diastolic the increased risks present in individuals generally is you know started at age 40.
There is a doubling of mortality both from stroke and heart attack every time your blood pressure is 20 higher on systolic and 10 higher on diastolic the ideal blood pressure is 120 over 70. But when you have diabetes we consider 130 over 80 acceptable. if you have blood pressure above 120 over 80.
Why do people with diabetes tend to have high blood pressure?
High glucose blood circulates throughout your body it can cause significant damage to your arteries and your blood vessels and your kidneys well these organs play an important role in maintaining your normal blood pressure when they are damaged such as your vasculature your vessels and arteries and kidneys your blood pressure will go up and they will increase the risk of complications. High glucose in the blood can raise your blood pressure in three ways. Your blood vessel's ability to stretch will be lost the fluid level in the body will rise especially if diabetes has already harmed the kidneys insulin resistance also has been associated with the mechanisms that raise the risk of high blood pressure.
what are the risk factors that cause high blood pressure other than diabetes? You can maybe eliminate some of these risk factors to help prevent the blood pressure from worsening number one is holding excessive weight eating an unhealthy sedentary lifestyle being stressed,
sleeping poorly, smoking, older age high fat, high salt in your diet low potassium in your diet, and other chronic disorders such as sleep apnea kidney disease inflammatory arthritis low vitamin d levels.
We can change some of these risk factors right here are three hacks that you can remember to lower your blood pressure.
The number on exercise regular exercise has been demonstrated to significantly lower your blood pressure regular exercise what else it does it strengthen and improves the efficiency of your heart pumping the blood and the less work your heart has to do to circulate the blood the lower the arterial blood pressure becomes exercise also helps with the weight loss which is crucial in lowering your blood pressure so work out every day you need to pay attention to your cardio as well not just lifting as your heart rate needs to stay up at least 30 minutes five days a week to bring your blood pressure down significantly but if you cannot do that even a small walk is better than nothing.
If you have a physical limitation and so forth number two again nutrition certain foods can either raise or lower your blood pressure, for example, sugary foods are known to raise blood pressure ever discussed and they also increase inflammation what else trans fats are important to raise your blood pressure and they raise your LDL they will also lower your HDL which you know high LDL to HDL ratio is definitely detrimental to your heart and the salt of course so stop adding salt or buying processed meats or canned foods or tv dinners these are all has to go and take the right supplements. I have compiled some herbs that help with blood pressure it's called sugar md, a blood pressure support supplement.
Read More. https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3730826819605595185/8534151220801306539
Finally, keep your potassium in your diet by eating lots of vegetables and fruits number three stress relief stress causes high blood pressure by affecting the central nervous system so chronic stress drives the sympathetic nervous system and drives the system into a fight or flight condition this system is super important. When exercising and you know let's say you're running from something or but if you activate that all the time that becomes a problem and there is an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems because the parasympathetic nervous system relaxes your blood pressure also daily mindfulness or meditation practice etc.
Read More about Diabetes ( https://zehratabu.com/index.php/2023/diabetes-destroys-the-human-body/ )