The root of the Turmeric plant used for centuries in cooking and in herbal medicine is effective against some inflammatory diseases. Discovered numerous benefits of this Golden spice.
Turmeric is a spice that's used, it's what causes curries to be orange, and it's traditionally used a lot in Asian cooking but it's also used traditionally in Asian medical systems and it's used specifically for inflammatory things like colds, sore throats, and arthritis.
So, the ancestors have passed that great knowledge of turmeric, it is also used in our Indian rituals and ceremonies, and this excellent spice has many-many health benefits.
Today I’m going to share many health benefits of this excellent spice and how this spice is used to benefit us, also you will learn how to incorporate Turmeric in different ways.
Its main active component CURCUMIN, it is responsible for many of the health benefits.
It relieves pain and inflammation - Turmeric has been widely used as a home remedy to treat pain, and curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps relieves pain and inflammation in our body it also releases also relieves osteoarthritis pain, and different joint pains, since it reduces inflammation, it improves the joint mobility also.
Also, when someone gets hurt or has somebody pain usually give hot milk with turmeric Turmeric also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and applying turmeric to cuts and wounds speeds up the healing process and stop the spread of infection.
Curcumin's medicinal quality is in the prevention of neurodegeneration, therefore neurodegeneration is it important to add turmeric to your daily meals like – daals and vegetables, which will improve children’s brain power and it will also, prevent age-related memory loss.
Number three it helps fight depression – Curcumin has a positive effect on memory and moods, it helps
to regulate neurotransmitters such as DOPAMINE and SEROTONIN feelings these hormones are responsible for generating happy feelings.
It helps to prevent cancer - Chronic inflammation is one of the causes of cancer, curcumin has an anti-cancer characteristic that helps to regulate body inflammatory processes, every morning take a glass of warm water or a glass of herbal body steam and add a pinch of turmeric that to gain the benefit of turmeric.
It protects against viruses - Turmeric helps in the development of immune system, its anti-viral properties, help to fight against all viruses, drink a glass of warm turmeric milk at night, and also boosts the immune system. Have certain spices daily - take 1 teaspoon full of Honey in that add a pinch of turmeric, and a pinch of black pepper, add grated ginger or powder of ginger that is sooth, mix it, and have it any time in the day.
Turmeric close down the oxidation process and thereby close down premature aging because of turmeric's antiseptic property, it prevents breakouts and acne, which helps to get clear and healthy skin. it also works wonders in removing dark spots and dark circles to remove dark circles take milk and a pinch of turmeric apply it underneath the eyes keep it for 10 minutes and wash to remove dark spots and bring out its natural flow, take 2 spoons of curds and pinch of turmeric mix it well, and apply it on the face, once it dries off, after 15 minutes wash it with warm water.
Even though turmeric is a safe spice, you should use it in moderation, also you should be aware of the side effects so that you can prevent other health issues. Turmeric can cause mild digestive issues such as – bloating, acid reflux, flatulence, and diarrhea. Also, turmeric has blood-thinning properties, so people taking blood-thinning medicine, should avoid it. Turmeric is a great spice, that will help improve quality of life, Turmeric has several therapeutic properties that can be used to treat or prevent several ailments.
So, especially in this pandemic time remember to use turmeric at least in the morning and at night - in the morning with warm water, at night with warm milk, and help yourself, also use this excellent spice in your face pack and help yourself to see that you get the beautiful glowing skin you feel confident you feel energetic and enthusiastic and you can then work with positivity, go ahead and use this spice nicely, systematically and help yourself.